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Prurito Uremico: impatto sulla QoL "Chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus: impact on quality of life and current management challenges" --- Shirazian S. et al. International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2017:10 11–26 --- Link
Prurito Uremico associato all’emodialisi: percezione dei pazienti "Self-reported Pruritus and Clinical, Dialysis-Related, and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Hemodialysis Patients" --- Sukul N. et al. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2017 Jan 23; 10:11-26 --- Link
Relazione tra QoL, rischio di ESRD e mortalità "Quality of life predicts risks of end-stage renal disease and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease" --- Tsai Y. et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2010) 25: 1621–1626 --- Link
Prurito Uremico: linee guida dell’associazione dei dermatologi Britannici sul prurito con capitolo dedicato al Prurito Uremico "British Association of Dermatologists’ guidelines for the investigation and management of generalized pruritus in adults without an underlying dermatosis, 2018" --- Millington G.W.M. et al. British Journal of Dermatology (2018) 178, pp34–60 --- Link
Il prurito severo è un marker di prognosi infausta? "Etiology and prognostic significance of severe uremic pruritus in chronic hemodialysis patients" --- Narita I. et al. Kidney International (2006) 69, 1626–1632 --- Link
Prurito Uremico: indagine sugli outcomes dai dati DOPPS "Pruritus in haemodialysis patients: international results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)" --- Pisoni R. L. et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2006) 21: 3495–3505 --- Link
Prurito Uremico: caratteristiche cliniche e sociali "Clinical characteristics and outcomes of end-stage renal disease patients with self-reported pruritus symptoms" --- Ramakrishnan K. et al. International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2014:7 1–12 --- Link
PTH come predittore indipendente di fratture, eventi cardiovascolari e morte "Parathyroid hormone independently predicts fracture, vascular events, and death in patients with stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease" --- Geng S. et al. Osteoporosis International (2019) 30: 2019–2025 --- Link
KDIGO 2017 CKD-MBD “Executive summary of the 2017 KDIGO Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) Guideline Update: what’s changed and why it matters” --- Ketteler M. et al. Kidney International (2017) 92, 26–36 --- Link
SHPT: le evidenze sembrano appropriate a testare l’idea che i livelli di 25-D tra i 40-50 ng/ml potrebbero essere un trattamento efficace e sicuro per l’SHPT in CKD “Current recommended 25-hydroxyvitamin D targets for chronic kidney disease management may be too low” --- Ennis J.L. et al. J Nephrol (2016) 29:63–70 --- Link
SHPT: fisiopatologia alla base del deficit di 25(OH)D e calcitriolo in CKD “Vitamin D in chronic kidney disease” --- Dusso A. et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 25 (2011) 647–655 --- Link
SHPT: revisione sistematica sulle Vit D attive “Active vitamin D increases the risk of hypercalcaemia in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism: a systematic review and meta-analysis” --- Cozzolino M. et al. Clinical Kidney Journal, 2021, vol. 14, no. 10, 2437–2443 --- Link
SHPT: metabolismo della Vit D in soggetti sani e pazienti CKD “Effects of Vitamin D2 Supplementation on Vitamin D3 Metabolism in Health and CKD” --- Batacchi Z. et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 1498–1506, 2017 --- Link
SHPT: vitamine D nutrizionali in CKD e ESRD: deboli evidenze “Con: Nutritional vitamin D replacement in chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease” ---Agarwal R. et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2016) 31: 706–713 --- Link

Scale di Valutazione

Scala di valutazione numerica dell’intensita’ del peggior prurito 1,2

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Self-reported pruritus and clinical, dialysis-related, patient-reported outcomes in haemodialysis patients

Sukul N, et al. Kidney Medicine. 2020;3(1):42–53.

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Clinical characteristics and outcomes of end-stage renal disease patients with self-reported pruritus symptoms

Ramakrishnan K, et al. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2014;7:1–12.

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International comparisons of prevalence, awareness, and treatment of pruritus in people on haemodialysis

Rayner HC, et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017;12:2000–7

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Epidemiology and Causes of CKD-associated Pruritus (CKD-aP) in Dialysis Patients

Backgrounds, Contributing Factors, Consequence and Impact

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